What is the connection between tummy time and sleep? We’ll dive into the answer to that question in a moment. First, I want to discuss what tummy time is and the importance of it. Tummy time is when you place your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. This allows your baby to strengthen their neck, back and shoulder muscles. Tummy time helps prepare babies for rolling over, sitting, and eventually, crawling.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends starting out with 3-5 minutes of tummy time 2-3 times per day (read more here). As your baby approaches 2 months old, the goal is 15-30 minutes total each day. Tummy time should be done while your baby is awake and you are supervising.
The connection between tummy time and sleep is huge. Consistent tummy time will give your baby the strength and coordination needed to roll, rotate, tuck legs and other movements she will need to get into a comfortable sleeping position. Once your baby has mastered these skills, she gets to choose the position she sleeps best in versus being stuck in whatever position you put her in to start the night.
Many babies choose to sleep on their bellies. Once they’ve mastered rolling, you’ll often see babies switch to being stomach sleepers. This may allow for longer stretches of sleep.
Many parents feel nervous seeing their baby sleeping on their tummy. The recommendation from the AAP is to always place your baby on her back to sleep. However, if your baby is able to roll and get herself onto her belly, then she can safely stay in that position.
While many parents know it’s important for developing motor skills and preventing flat spots on the head, fewer may realize the connection between tummy time and sleep. Understanding this link can help families create a well-rounded approach to their baby’s development and rest.
It’s important to remember that every baby is different. While tummy time can support better sleep, other factors such as feeding, sleep environment, and individual temperament also play a role. By incorporating tummy time into your baby’s daily routine, you’re not only fostering their physical and cognitive development but also setting the stage for healthier sleep patterns.