Sleep Tips And Evidence-Based Sleep Information From A Family Nurse Practitioner

Potty training is a hugely exciting time for parents. Finally, time to get rid of diapers! While you’re excited, you may also be nervous about the potty training process. You may wonder how to start, how to do it, and how long it might take. For most kiddos, daytime bladder control happens first and then, […]

Healthy Sleep Habits, The Science of Sleep

June 27, 2023

Nighttime Potty Training: 6 Tips For Success 

child potty training

For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), sleep challenges are common. Establishing healthy sleep habits is crucial for all children, but especially for children with ADHD and autism. Today I’m sharing 7 sleep tips for children with autism.  7 Sleep Tips for Children with Autism 1. A Consistent Bedtime Routine  Creating a consistent bedtime routine […]

Healthy Sleep Habits

June 20, 2023

7 Sleep Tips For Children With Autism

Infants nap anywhere from 3-4 times per day. As they grow and approach ages 3-5, they stop napping all together. This transition occurs because as children grow and develop, their sleep needs change, including their nap requirements. Knowing when to drop a nap can be confusing for parents. Today we’re tackling knowing when your little […]

Healthy Sleep Habits, Sleep Training

June 13, 2023

Navigating Nap Transitions: When Should I Drop a Nap?

Sleep plays a huge and important role in the growth and development of young children. Understanding sleep regulation in infants and young children helps us provide the necessary support to establish healthy sleep habits. There are three important factors involved in the regulation of sleep in children: Circadian Rhythms  One of the key factors influencing […]

Healthy Sleep Habits, The Science of Sleep

May 30, 2023

How Is Sleep Regulated In Young Children?

You want to take a vacation but then you may feel some dread around how this may affect your little one’s sleep. If so, you’re not alone. I’m sharing travel and sleep tips for infants and children today which will hopefully help you worry less and relax more on vacation! Vacations with kids can be wonderful […]

Healthy Sleep Habits

May 23, 2023

Travel: Sleep Tips For Infants and Children

Child packing suitcase; travel sleep tips for infants and children

I’m sharing a ton of sleep tips for newborns today. Newborns sleep a ton! As you know, newborn sleep is often a little chaotic. A newborn will eat and sleep at all hours of the day regardless of day or night. This is a super challenging and exhausting time for parents. With a few small […]

Healthy Sleep Habits, Sleep Training

April 25, 2023

All About Newborn Sleep and Tips

newborn sleeping

Children don’t sleep well and wake up at night for various reasons. Some children will have difficulty falling asleep or will delay going to bed because of bedtime fears and worries. Nightmares and night terrors are common problems in children. If you’re wondering how to help your child with nightmares, today’s article is for you! […]

Healthy Sleep Habits

April 4, 2023

Nightmares In Children – How To Help

Many children with ADHD struggle to fall asleep at bedtime. Children with ADHD are more likely to experience problems with sleep than children without ADHD. It’s thought children with ADHD have a delayed circadian rhythm and thus produce melatonin later in the day. Sometimes medications to treat ADHD, like stimulants, may also make it harder […]

Healthy Sleep Habits

March 28, 2023

6 Sleep Tips For Children With ADHD